Life update: Exams are over! (for now)

Hi everyone!

As you probably could guess from the title, my exams have finished. A month of studying, making exams, eating and crying. But it's over! I've got two weeks of vacation before I've got class again.
In my breaks between studying most of my time was spend thinking about my diploma and what I want to do in the future. The more I think about it, the more I just want to audition for Disney and work there. But alas, no audition dates for the Netherlands have been announced.
As of right now, my plan for the future is auditioning to work at Disney during the summer vacation. If that doesn't work out, I'll try again next year, until I graduate. If I don't find work (because let's face it, there aren't that much jobs in psychology) I'll try to maybe work at Disney for a year or less. But, that's still a few years in the future, so...

Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated. Expect my StyleTone february box review in the future!


Twitter: franne_th
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